
Hudson Bay Mountain Weather

Weather Questions


Data Frequency

Meteohub weather data every 15 minutes 24/7/365
Prairie sky and snowtable cameras, every 15 minutes 24/7/365
Panorama snowtable cameras, every 15 minutes 24/7/365
Snow-forecast and other supporting forecasts every hour 24/7/365



When the temperature as reported at the Smithers Airport is colder than our reported temperature, we issue an inversion alert. This is a good thing.


Cloud height is measured above the sensor. When that height is less than the elevation at the top of the Panorama T-Bar, we issue a visibility alert.


When wind exceeds 62 km/h as recorded at the top of the T-Bars, we issue a wind alert. Check with Hudson Bay Mountain Resort for lift operations.
This is only displayed in Ski & Snowboard season


When visibility is limited, wind exceeds 62 km/h as recorded at the top of the T-Bars and it's snowing, we issue a blizzard alert. This will replace visibility and wind when they both occur during a snowfall event. Check with Hudson Bay Mountain Resort for lift operations.
This is only displayed in Ski & Snowboard season


There is a weather station located at the top of the Panorama T-bar. However, reporting is on a hourly interval and maybe upwards of two hours old by the time it is posted. Wind speed is so critical to the operation of this lift. We are relying on three different sources to try and accurately predict winds.

Actual wind speeds as reported at the top. (this may be up to two hours old) This speed is also expressed using the Beaufort Wind Scale, effects observed on land.

Windy maps is a visual presentation of wind speed and direction at the 1524 m (5000 foot) level. The top of Panorama is 1675 m supplies us with a forecasted wind speed and direction at the 1575 m (5495 foot) level.

Mountain Forecasts

We use two forecast services. and Weather Underground. The later gives a forecast based on our local weather station. However, it has limitations.

Our primary service is It is much better at forecasting temperature, conditions and precipitation type.

Weather Underground is good at forecasting precipitation and the general amount. They are not good at predicting temperature. Their assumption is based on Smithers and the higher the elevation the colder it should be. The forecast does not account for the many inversion that we experience. So, a forecast temperature around 0°C and snow may actual turn into a warmer day with rain.

POP and narrative are from Weather Underground. Combining the two makes our forecast more inclusive.

Reporting of Snowfall

The precipitation/rain gauge measures rainfall in millimetres. To be able to measure snowfall, a heater has been installed to melt the snow and measure it as rain.

A tipping bucket electronically records precipitation electronically. It has a funnel, like a simple rain gauge, but the funnel leads to two tiny "buckets." The two buckets are balanced (somewhat like a sea-saw) and each holds .2 mm of water. When one bucket fills, it tips down and is emptied while the other bucket fills with rain water. Each tip of the buckets causes the device to record an increase of .2 mm of rain.

Snowfall measurement determines the equivalent amount of water in a unit of snow. To obtain this ratio, the snow must be collected and melted into water. Generally, 10 mm of snow produces 1 mm of water. However, it can take up to 100 mm of loose, fluffy snow though as little as 2-4 mm of wet, compact snow can produce a millimetre of water.

Snow depth model in order to estimate snow depth based on liquid-equivalent snow gauge measurements.

The model for estimating snow depth will include the effects on snow depth of precipitation rate, snow density, wind speed, and ambient temperature. All measurements necessary for the estimate are taken from the Davis Instrument Tip Bucket Rain Collector and Wind vane with potentiometer Wind Direction Sensor.

The factor used to estimate snow depth for snowfall today is based on the average of measurements over the last 24 hours.

The factor used to estimate snow depth for snowfall this month is based on the average of measurements over the current month.
Snow Conversion Data

Reporting of Road Conditions - Highway Snow Removal

Outcome: To proactively monitor, participate, manage and respond to Winter Accumulations and Compact to facilitate the safe and orderly flow of traffic.
Maximum Winter Accumulations 6cm to be removed from travelled lanes one lane each direction.

Based on snowfall from this weather station and measured at hourly milestones of 06:00, 08:00, 11:00 and 16:00

Results will be colored coded. Green will indicate the outcome has been achieved. Yellow will indicate that accumulations have occurred but not required to be removed. Exercise caution. Red will indicated outcome has not been achieved.

Power Failure

This situation will occur under the following circumstances;

The current data is over an hour old. This indicates a power disruption at the weather station location. The weather server will resume once power is restored.
